Where Do Most Pakistani Live in the UK?

Pakistani communities in the UK are spread across various regions, but some cities have larger concentrations of Pakistani residents. Historically, cities like Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, and parts of London have had significant Pakistani populations.

Bradford, located in West Yorkshire, has one of the highest proportions of Pakistani residents in the UK. Areas such as Manningham and Bradford Moor have particularly large Pakistani communities. Birmingham, the UK’s second-largest city, also has sizable Pakistani populations, notably in areas like Sparkbrook, Small Heath, and Handsworth.

Manchester, especially areas like Longsight and Rusholme, has a notable Pakistani community. In London, places such as Wembley, Southall, and Ilford have significant Pakistani populations as well.

What is the distribution of Pakistani communities in UK cities?

What is the distribution of Pakistani communities in UK cities

These areas serve as focal points for Pakistani communities, showcasing their cultural heritage, religious diversity, and contributions to the social and economic fabric of these cities in the UK.



Manningham has historically been home to a substantial Pakistani community, contributing significantly to the cultural vibrancy of Bradford. It’s known for its diverse population and various Pakistani-owned businesses, restaurants, and cultural institutions.

Bradford Moor

Another area in Bradford with a high Pakistani concentration, Bradford Moor is characterized by a strong sense of community and cultural identity. It’s a hub for social gatherings, religious activities, and Pakistani-owned businesses.



Sparkbrook has a sizable Pakistani population and is known for its diverse community, bustling markets, and vibrant cultural events. It’s an area rich in Pakistani heritage, with mosques, restaurants, and shops reflecting the community’s influence.

Small Heath

With a significant Pakistani presence, Small Heath boasts a strong sense of community, with mosques, educational institutions, and businesses catering to the Pakistani population.



Longsight has a notable Pakistani community contributing to the area’s cultural tapestry. It’s known for its ethnic diversity, Pakistani eateries, and community centers promoting cultural integration.


Another area with a substantial Pakistani presence, Rusholme is famous for its “Curry Mile,” lined with Pakistani and South Asian restaurants, shops, and cultural events.



Wembley hosts a thriving Pakistani community with cultural diversity, mosques, businesses, and community events contributing to its vibrant atmosphere.


Known for its significant South Asian population, Southall has a substantial Pakistani community, reflected in its markets, religious institutions, and cultural festivities.


Ilford has a growing Pakistani presence, fostering community engagement through cultural events, religious centers, and businesses catering to Pakistani residents.

How do factors influence Pakistani immigrants’ settlement in the UK?

These factors, ranging from historical ties to economic opportunities, community networks, and cultural familiarity, played pivotal roles in shaping the settlement patterns of Pakistani immigrants in the UK.

Historical context of Pakistani migration to the UK

Post-World War II

Pakistani migration to the UK significantly increased after World War II when there was a demand for labor in various industries. Many Pakistanis, especially from Punjab and Kashmir regions, arrived in the UK seeking economic opportunities.

Commonwealth ties

Pakistan was part of the British Commonwealth, which facilitated migration to the UK. The 1950s and 1960s saw a substantial influx of Pakistani immigrants due to these historical connections.

Social and economic reasons for settling in specific regions

Employment opportunities

Many Pakistani immigrants settled in areas where job prospects were promising, such as industrial cities like Bradford, Birmingham, and Manchester, where there were opportunities in factories, mills, and other industries.

Community networks

Existing Pakistani communities played a crucial role in attracting newcomers. Family and community ties influenced settlement patterns as immigrants often preferred areas where relatives or community members already resided.

Affordable housing

Affordability and availability of housing were significant factors influencing settlement patterns. Certain regions offered more affordable accommodation, making them attractive to Pakistani immigrants, especially those newly arrived.

Community networks and support systems

Religious and cultural centers

Presence of mosques, Islamic centers, and community organizations provided support and a sense of belonging to Pakistani immigrants. These institutions facilitated religious practices, cultural events, and community gatherings.

Social cohesion

Tight-knit Pakistani communities offered support networks for newcomers, helping them integrate into society, find employment, and navigate bureaucratic processes.

Language and cultural familiarity

Settlement patterns were influenced by areas where the Pakistani community felt more comfortable due to shared language, cultural practices, and access to familiar amenities.

How do Pakistani communities impact the UK’s socio-cultural landscape?

How do Pakistani communities impact the UK's socio-cultural landscape

These contributions highlight the significant impact of Pakistani communities in the UK, not only in enriching the cultural landscape but also in fostering a sense of community and preserving cultural heritage.

Contributions to the cultural diversity of the UK

Language and literature

Pakistani communities in the UK have contributed to linguistic diversity by maintaining languages like Urdu, Punjabi, and others. This has enriched the linguistic landscape and encouraged cultural preservation among the younger generation.

Traditional clothing and attire

The vibrant and diverse Pakistani attire, such as shalwar kameez for both men and women, has become a part of the multicultural fabric in the UK. It’s not uncommon to see these traditional outfits worn during cultural events or even in everyday life.

Music and dance

Pakistani music and dance forms, including Qawwali, Bhangra, and various folk dances, have found audiences in the UK. Cultural events often feature these art forms, contributing to the country’s cultural richness.

Influence on local cuisines, arts, and festivals

Pakistani cuisine

The rich and diverse Pakistani cuisine, including dishes like biryani, kebabs, samosas, and various curries, has significantly influenced the UK’s culinary landscape. Pakistani restaurants, food festivals, and markets offer authentic flavors, attracting both locals and tourists.

Arts and crafts 

Pakistani arts and crafts, such as intricate embroidery, pottery, and traditional paintings, have found appreciation in the UK. Artisans and craftsmen from Pakistani communities showcase their skills through exhibitions and cultural events.

Festivals and celebrations

Pakistani festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, and Basant are celebrated with enthusiasm and have become part of the diverse tapestry of UK celebrations. These festivals often include colorful cultural displays, music, traditional attire, and culinary delights.

Importance of Pakistani community organizations and institutions

Educational and social support

Pakistani community organizations provide educational support, language classes, and social services that cater to the needs of immigrants and their families. These institutions aid in integration and provide resources for community members.

Advocacy and representation

Pakistani community organizations advocate for the rights and representation of their community in various spheres, including politics, social welfare, and cultural affairs. They work towards addressing community issues and fostering inclusivity.

Cultural preservation

Community organizations and institutions play a vital role in preserving Pakistani heritage, customs, and traditions through cultural programs, heritage initiatives, and intergenerational activities, ensuring the transmission of cultural values to future generations.


Where is Pakistani dominated in UK?

Pakistani communities in the UK are dominant in cities like Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, and parts of London. These areas have significant Pakistani populations.

Where do most Pakistani live in Europe?

In Europe, Pakistani populations are notably concentrated in the UK, especially in cities like Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, and certain areas of London.

What city has the most Pakistanis?

The city with the most Pakistanis in the UK is often considered to be Bradford, followed by Birmingham, Manchester, and certain parts of London.

Which country has most Pakistani students?

The country with the most Pakistani students is often cited as the United Kingdom, where Pakistani students pursue higher education in various universities and colleges.

In which city do most Pakistanis live in Canada?

Among Canadian cities, Toronto is known to have a significant Pakistani population, with many Pakistani immigrants and communities residing there.

Where do most Pakistani live in UAE?

In the UAE, Pakistani communities are notably concentrated in cities like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah, where a significant number of Pakistanis live and work.

Final Words

In conclusion, Pakistani communities in the UK have made substantial contributions to the country’s cultural tapestry, bringing vibrant traditions, diverse cuisines, and enriching the social fabric. Their settlement in cities like Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, and London has led to thriving neighborhoods with strong community ties.

Factors like historical migration patterns, economic opportunities, and community support have influenced where and how these communities settled. Pakistani immigrants have positively impacted the UK’s cultural diversity through their language, clothing, music, and cuisine.