What Does Outside Diameter Mean? 

The Outside Diameter (OD) is the distance measured across the widest part of a circular object, passing through its center. It’s used in various fields like engineering and manufacturing. For example, in pipes or tubes, the OD helps determine how the component will fit with other parts like fittings or valves. 

In label printing, the OD of the label roll can affect the printer’s compatibility and the number of labels that can be printed in one run. It’s different from other measurements like Inside Diameter or nominal diameter, making it a crucial concept to understand.

What is Outside Diameter?

The term “Outside Diameter” (OD) refers to the linear distance measured across the widest part of a circular object, passing through its center. This measurement is typically used in fields such as engineering and manufacturing, where it is crucial for the design, production, and installation of various components.

In the context of cylindrical objects like pipes or tubes, the Outside Diameter is the distance from one outer edge to the opposite outer edge, passing through the center of the object. This measurement is critical because it directly impacts the fit and function of the component in its intended application. 

For example, in plumbing or HVAC systems, the Outside Diameter of a pipe determines how it will fit with other components like fittings or valves.

In manufacturing processes, the Outside Diameter is often a key specification for parts that need to fit together precisely. For instance, in the production of gears, the Outside Diameter of a gear is critical for ensuring it meshes correctly with other gears in a system.

Outside Diameter vs. Inside Diameter

Outside Diameter vs. Inside Diameter

The Outside Diameter (OD) and Inside Diameter (ID) are two fundamental measurements of a pipe or tube. The OD refers to the distance from one outer edge to the opposite outer edge, passing through the center of the object. 

On the other hand, the ID is the distance across the inside of a hollow cylindrical object. The ID is typically smaller than the OD, and the difference between the two gives the wall thickness of the pipe or tube.

Outside Diameter vs. Nominal Diameter

The nominal diameter is a dimensionless number that defines the size of the pipe, while the corresponding Outside Diameter is usually a bit larger. 

For instance, for a 4” schedule 80 pipe, 4” is the nominal size of the pipe, while the actual Outside Diameter is 4.5”. This difference can often lead to confusion, especially for those new to the field.

Outside Diameter vs. Wall Thickness

Wall thickness refers to the thickness of the wall of a pipe or tube. It is the difference between the Outside Diameter and the Inside Diameter. Wall thickness is a critical parameter in determining the strength and performance characteristics of a pipe or tube. 

For example, a pipe with a larger wall thickness can typically withstand higher pressures.

Why is Outside Diameter Important?

Role of Outside Diameter in Various Fields

In the context of a hollow circular pipe, the Outside Diameter is crucial for installation techniques requiring boring, such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), pipe jacking, and microtunneling. 

In these operations, the Outside Diameter of the pipe is an important factor to determine the size of the back reamer used to enlarge the pilot hole.

In another context, such as label printing, the Outside Diameter refers to the diameter of the entire roll of labels in its finished form. This measurement is important to determine if a roll of labels is compatible with a printer.

How is Outside Diameter Measured?

Measuring the Outside Diameter (OD) of an object is a straightforward process that involves the use of specific tools and techniques. Here’s a detailed explanation

Tools Used for Measuring Outside Diameter

There are several tools available for measuring the Outside Diameter, each suitable for different types of objects and levels of precision


Calipers are one of the most common tools used to measure the Outside Diameter. They come in various types, including vernier calipers, dial calipers, and digital calipers. 

These tools have two jaws – one fixed and one movable – that can be adjusted to fit around the object whose diameter is being measured.


Micrometers offer a higher level of precision than calipers and are often used when a more exact measurement is required. Like calipers, they have two jaws that can be adjusted to fit the object.

Tape Measures

For larger objects, a tape measure may be used. This flexible ruler can be wrapped around the object, and the distance can be read off the tape.

Process of Measuring Outside Diameter

The process of measuring the Outside Diameter involves the following steps

Select the Appropriate Tool: Choose the tool that is most suitable for the size of the object and the level of precision required.

Position the Object: If possible, position the object so that it is stable and easy to measure.

Apply the Tool: Place the jaws of the caliper or micrometer around the object, or wrap the tape measure around it. Ensure the tool is perpendicular to the object for an accurate measurement.

Read the Measurement: Read the measurement on the scale or digital display of the tool. Ensure the tool is properly zeroed before taking the measurement to ensure accuracy.

Repeat the Measurement: To ensure accuracy, it’s a good practice to repeat the measurement a few times and take an average.

Common Misconceptions about Outside Diameter

Common Misconceptions about Outside Diameter

A common misconception is that the Outside Diameter is the same as the nominal diameter. However, the nominal diameter is a dimensionless number that defines the size of the pipe, while the corresponding Outside Diameter is usually a bit larger.


What’s the difference between ID and OD?

The Inside Diameter (ID) is the measurement of the innermost part of a circular object, while the Outside Diameter (OD) measures the outermost part. In simpler terms, ID is the inner size, and OD is the outer size.

Does OD mean diameter?

Yes, OD stands for Outside Diameter, which is the measurement of the distance across the outer surface of a circular object. It represents the overall size of the object.

What is the difference between OD and NB?

OD refers to Outside Diameter, indicating the outer size of a pipe or tube. NB stands for Nominal Bore, representing the inner size or nominal size of the pipe. The difference lies in the measurement of the inner or outer dimensions.

What does 100 NB pipe mean?

A 100 NB (Nominal Bore) pipe has a nominal inner diameter of 100 millimeters. NB is a standard dimension used in the piping industry to denote the size of pipes based on their nominal inner diameter.

What is 150 NB pipe size?

A 150 NB (Nominal Bore) pipe has a nominal inner diameter of 150 millimeters. It’s a standardized way of indicating the size of pipes, crucial for compatibility and standardization in various applications.

Is NB equal to mm?

No, NB (Nominal Bore) is not equal to millimeters. NB is a nominal size used to standardize pipe sizes, while millimeters represent the actual measurements. The relationship between NB and mm depends on the specific pipe size.

Is DN and NB the same?

No, DN (Diameter Nominal) and NB (Nominal Bore) are not the same. While both terms refer to nominal sizes, DN is used in the international metric system, and NB is more common in the British system. They may represent similar sizes, but the systems differ.

What is the full form of OD in pipe?

The full form of OD in pipe is Outside Diameter. It signifies the measurement of the distance across the outer surface of a pipe, providing a crucial dimension in various industries, especially in piping and manufacturing.

Final thoughts

The concept of Outside Diameter is crucial in various fields. It plays a significant role in engineering and manufacturing processes and is essential for accurate calculations and measurements. By understanding what Outside Diameter is, how it’s measured, and common misconceptions about it, one can make more informed decisions in their respective fields.