How Long Does It Take For A Grave To Sink?

The time it takes for a grave to sink can vary widely, depending on several factors such as the type of soil, the climate, the material of the coffin, and the depth of the grave. On average, it can take anywhere from a few months to a few years for a grave to sink completely.

However, this is a general estimate and the actual time can vary significantly from one grave to another. Grave sinking is a natural process that occurs due to the decomposition of the body and the collapse of the coffin.

What Causes a Grave to Sink?

Grave sinking, also known as grave subsidence, is a natural process that occurs over time. It’s primarily caused by the decomposition of the body and the collapse of the coffin. The soil that was initially displaced during the digging of the grave eventually settles back into place, causing the ground above the grave to sink.

Decomposition of the Body

After burial, the body begins to decompose. This process can take several years to complete, depending on various factors such as the climate, soil conditions, and the type of coffin used. As the body decomposes, it reduces in size, creating a void in the grave. This void eventually collapses under the weight of the soil above, causing the grave to sink.

Collapse of the Coffin

Most coffins are not designed to withstand the weight of the soil above them indefinitely. Over time, the coffin can collapse under this weight, causing the grave to sink. The rate at which this happens can vary depending on the material of the coffin. For instance, wooden coffins tend to decompose and collapse faster than those made of metal or concrete.

How Long Does It Take for a Grave to Sink?

How Long Does It Take for a Grave to Sink

The time it takes for a grave to sink can vary widely, depending on several factors. These include the type of soil, the climate, the material of the coffin, and the depth of the grave.

Soil Conditions

The type of soil in which the grave is dug can significantly impact how quickly it sinks. For instance, sandy soils tend to settle faster than clay soils. The moisture content of the soil can also play a role. Wet soil is heavier and can cause the grave to sink faster than dry soil.

Coffin Material

The material of the coffin can also affect the rate of sinking. Wooden coffins decompose more quickly than metal ones, leading to faster sinking. On the other hand, coffins made of durable materials like steel or concrete can resist the pressure of the soil for a longer period, slowing down the sinking process.

Grave Maintenance

Regular maintenance by the cemetery staff, such as adding topsoil and reseeding grass, can slow down the sinking process. This is often done as part of the cemetery’s ongoing care and maintenance program.

On average, it can take anywhere from a few months to a few years for a grave to sink completely. However, this is a general estimate and the actual time can vary significantly from one grave to another.

What Happens When a Grave Sinks?

When a grave sinks, it can create an uneven surface that can be hazardous to visitors. It can also lead to water pooling on the grave, which can accelerate the sinking process and cause damage to the headstone or other grave markers.

Cemetery staff usually rectify sunk graves by adding more soil to level the ground. In some cases, they may also install a grave liner or vault to prevent future sinking. Grave liners and vaults are reinforced containers that house the coffin and are designed to withstand the weight of the soil, thereby preventing the grave from sinking.

Can Grave Sinking Be Prevented?

Can Grave Sinking Be Prevented

While grave sinking cannot be entirely prevented, certain measures can slow down the process.

Use of a Burial Vault

A burial vault is a reinforced container that houses the coffin. It’s designed to withstand the weight of the soil and prevent the grave from sinking. The use of a burial vault can significantly slow down the sinking process and keep the grave level for a longer period.

Proper Grave Maintenance

Regular maintenance by the cemetery staff can also help slow down the sinking process. This includes adding topsoil as needed and ensuring proper drainage to prevent water from pooling on the grave.


How long do coffins last underground?

The lifespan of a coffin underground can vary greatly, depending on the material of the coffin and the soil conditions. A wooden coffin may decompose within 10-15 years, while a metal or concrete coffin can last for many decades.

How long does it take for a grave to level?

The time it takes for a grave to level can vary, but it typically takes a few months to a year. This process can be affected by factors such as soil conditions, weather, and grave maintenance practices.

Do coffins collapse when buried?

Yes, over time, most coffins will eventually collapse when buried. This is due to the weight of the soil and the decomposition of the coffin materials.

Why are coffins buried 6 feet deep?

Coffins are traditionally buried 6 feet deep to prevent the spread of disease. This depth is also considered sufficient to deter scavengers from disturbing the grave.

Do coffins get reused?

No, in most cultures and countries, it is illegal and considered disrespectful to reuse a coffin that has already been used for a burial.

What is left in a coffin after 100 years?

After 100 years, a coffin will typically contain bones and possibly some remnants of clothing or personal items, depending on the materials they were made from.

What happens after 2 years in a coffin?

After 2 years in a coffin, the body will have undergone significant decomposition, although the rate can vary depending on factors such as temperature, soil composition, and coffin material.

What remains in the coffin after 50 years?

After 50 years, a coffin will typically contain skeletal remains. Any soft tissues will have decomposed, although some hair, nails, and teeth may still be present.

What is difference between coffin and casket?

The main difference between a coffin and a casket lies in the design. Coffins are typically hexagonal or octagonal and taper towards the feet, while caskets are rectangular.

Final thoughts

So, how long does it take for a grave to sink? The answer varies, but on average, it can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. Grave sinking is a natural process that occurs due to the decomposition of the body and the collapse of the coffin.

While it cannot be entirely prevented, measures such as the use of a burial vault and regular grave maintenance can slow down the process. Understanding this aspect of burial can help us better appreciate the efforts that go into maintaining the final resting places of our loved ones.